CriticalPoint's Simplifi 797 eLearning home
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CriticalPoint's online education homepage for Simplifi 797 users

To create an account, register here.

I forgot my password.

Welcome to CriticalPoint's home of best-in-class healthcare education.  Our mission is to improve patient safety by raising the competency of healthcare professionals through convenient, high-quality training.

This Learning Management System is for Simplifi 797/CriticalPoint users. If your facility does not have Simplifi 797, please register at


Effective August 1, 2024 CP courses have been newly Accredited and have new course ids.  Course names stay the same to assist with reporting before and after the course id update

For persons registering for the first time:

  1. Click on the Log In link on the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click register here under To create an account to begin the registration process. 
  3. Enter in the information required (*) including creating your own username and password. An email address is now required to set up your account.  Please use the same email address that you used for your Simplifi 797 account.
  4. You MUST enter the Registration Code provided to you to get enrolled in the training Courses. Without the code you will only create an account - no Courses.   
  5. Click on Create Account to complete this process. 
  6. Please note that it may take 1 - 2 minutes for the Courses to appear in your account and may require you to refresh or log out and log back in.  
  7. If your Courses do not load, please confirm that you have entered the correct registration code under My Profile.  If your code is incorrect, please update that field with the correct Registration Code and click Save Changes.
  8. If you still do not see your enrollments after 10-15 mins, you will need to contact to fix your account.

For persons who need to update their accounts: 

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click on the My Profile icon
  3. Scroll through the page and make any necessary changes.  
  4. Click on Save Changes
  5. If you received an error, please confirm that you have information in all of the required fields.  Your email address is now a required field and if you do not have an email address in your profile, you will be required to add one before you can save your changes.  Please use the same email address that you used for your Simplifi 797 account.

Please check your CPE Monitor frequently to confirm your CEs have been submitted.  The CPE Monitor only allows submission of CEs up to 60 days from the date of your activity. If your CE hours are not appearing in your CPE Monitor account please email with your name, your eProfile #, your birth month and day (MMDD) and your job role (Pharmacist or Technician) and we will re-submit those hours. Please allow 5 business days for your request to be processed.


If you would like to request support for access or other technical issues please contact us through email at or phone: 800-341-0450.

If your facility does not currently subscribe to CriticalPoint’s Education Program through Simplifi 797, learn more about this new expert-based program that will maximize staff effectiveness in ensuring compliance by emailing us


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